Jump Rope for a Beautiful and Healthy Lifestyle

Monday, August 08, 2016

Exercise requires passion and motivation. As we are now in the 21st century, people are more engage to technology; some of the children nowadays tend to stay home and play with their phones, psp, etc. instead of playing with their friends outside, men and women are on social media the whole day, checking their accounts and chatting.  With all these activities some of the people now forget the importance of physical activity and exercise.

Exercise is highly beneficial for our health, personality, and physical and psychological well-being, yet, only few people are engaging in it. Some of the reasons are they prefer to lay down whole day and check their social media accounts, laziness, exercise is boring, expensive, take too much of their time, and many more reasons. Well, I’ve been through all those kinds of reason but then one day as I was watching a TV show, the host mentioned about the importance of jump rope and what benefit we could get by it. So I was motivated, went to the store and bought my own jump rope and start jumping for weeks now! And so I wanted to share to you guys the benefits you could get in jumping rope.

1     🔸  Burns Calorie

Jump Rope is a full body workout this means it works your legs, arms, abs, mind and heart; it can also help prevent gaining excess weight. Not all exercises can burn calories like jump rope, even if you jump moderately it burns 10 to 16 calories a minute. So, jump rope for 20 to 30 minutes every day and you’ll burn lots of calories!

   🔸 Expensive-less

My Jump rope only cost me P87.00 so that’s around $2 to $3! So cheap, right? Jump rope doesn’t require you any fancy, heavy and expensive equipment. Just go to the nearest department stores or sports stores, and for around $2 to $3 you can pick your own jump rope and start enjoying the health benefits you’ll get in it.

   🔸 Improves your mood and boosts your energy

According to Mayoclinic.org Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. So blow off your stressful day by picking your jump rope and jump for 20-30 minutes, not just you will feel lighter and happier, you may also feel confidently good about your appearance. By doing jump rope regularly, it can also improve your endurance and muscle strength and since it’s a whole body workout your cardiovascular system work more efficiently, and when your heart and lungs work more efficiently, you have more energy.

   🔸 Physical way of Detoxification

     I’ve heard many times that in order for you to have a good skin you need to exercise. It  does not require you to go to gym and lift heavy equipment’s just a simple routine like   jump rope will do. The following are good benefits to take note:  

-  It opens your pores and eliminates toxins through sweat
-  It increase blood flow, which means more nutrients get to your skin
-  Relieves tension and stress

   🔸 Do it anywhere, anytime!

Jump rope does not require a big space to jump, just a little space in front and back and a little high upward and you’re all set! You can jump inside your house, in the living room, bedroom, or in the kitchen, and you can jump anywhere outside, may be outside your house, in the park, or while waiting for the bus. This is also good news for those people who work in their home, it’s tiring to just sit all day and face your computer or paper works so why not jump rope for 3 to 5 minutes every often and enjoy the benefits you could get in jump rope.

   🔸 FUN!

I’ve tried many exercise routines in order for me to stay active and get me moving throughout the day but there’s none that keeps me motivated and it’s not fun at all, but by doing jump rope I find myself having fun! Doing jump rope while watching tv, or by listening to music, talking be in personal or phone or even when you are on skype.

   🔸 Do it your way

Jumping alone is pretty repetitive and boring but there are many tricks that you could always add to make jump rope interesting and super fun! It is always up to you how you will integrate something in jumping in order for not to feel boredom. For example, I jump along with my favorite songs and the longer songs the better, sometimes I even count my jumps and try to beat my last score, and now since I am preparing for a teaching demonstration I am jumping while delivering my lesson assuming that I am already doing my demonstration.

We all know that exercise is good for us but some of the people couldn’t just find the right motivation in order for them to keep active and motivated. I hope you will find this article helpful and may you find jump rope is actually fun and very beneficial to our health. Let’s jump and together let’s be healthy because being HEALTHY IS THE NEW SEXY!

I would appreciate if you do also share to me your thoughts about this article through writing it down in the comment box, and if you have questions please do not hesitate to ask me by leaving a comment or send an email. 

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